Our Programs
We are a licensed program and accept children 6 weeks to 6 years of age for the Nature School.
Program Hours & Procedures
Our billed tuition hours are either 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. or 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. We offer flexible schedules of one to five days for most of our classrooms. We also offer before and after care between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. (7:00 a.m. after June 2) and 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., for an additional hourly fee.
Entering and Exiting Preschool
The doors to the preschool are locked at all times with the exception of 8:55 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. when doors are open and staffed for student arrival. Please ring the doorbell at the main preschool door or call a number below for assistance outside of those times.
Before and After School Procedures
We must have written authorization for any changes in who is to pick up your child; or if there is a last minute in who will be picking up we request a phone call from you. We will not release any child to anyone not known by preschool staff without authorization from parents or guardians. If you get delayed or are going to be late picking up your child, please let us know as soon as possible. It is school policy that ten minutes after school ends, any child remaining will be signed into extended care and a minimum fee of $12.00/$15.00/$18.00, depending on the child's age, will be charged. If you are going to arrive late to school or need to pick your child up from school early, please call the number below.
Nature School Phone 720-823-9294
Student Check-in and Check-out
All students must be checked in and out by an adult. No child should be signed in or left in a classroom until the teacher is present and acknowledges your arrival. It is the policy of the school that all children be escorted, and supervised by an adult staff member during all hours of operation. Each teacher will keep a roster and maintain a count throughout the day of the students present and in their care. At the end of the day, all rosters will be verified and checked by the classroom teacher(s), the teacher will circulate their classroom, halls, and bathrooms to verify that all children are accounted for and/or in their age-appropriate classroom. Before closing for the day, the final staff members will verify that all children have been accounted for and signed out by a parent or guardian. The staff member(s) will also walk through each classroom to verify that all persons have left the building. If you are carpooling, please make sure that the driver signs in and out all children in the carpool. Unknown persons picking up your child will be required to show identification, which needs to coincide with the parental permission given to the director. If an unknown, unauthorized person attempts to pick up your child, you will be notified immediately, and if necessary, the sheriff will be called.
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness
In the case of emergency, Abiding Hope Preschool & Kindergarten will notify parents by email and text. A copy of the emergency preparedness plan is on file in the Director's office, and available for parent review.