Updated forms will be posted prior to 2025 camp.
Summer camp forms must be signed and returned before the child attends camp:
ELV Parent App
Once a child's enrollment is complete, parents have access to our Early Learning Ventures Parent app. This app can be used to check children in and out daily by scanning a QR code on the computer kiosk at the door. It can also be used to make payments, update contacts, and report absences. Please scan the QR code to the right to download on your phone.

ELV Authorized Pickup App
For families with people other than the primary two parents who drop off and pick up regularly, the Authorized Pickup app may be downloaded and used for check in and check out. Scan the QR code to the left to download that on an authorized person's phone. (Parents can find this person's security code in the parent app, or email debbie@abidinghope.org to have it sent).